Each year we publish our Year 12 school data for our community and celebrate our student successes. In December, our ATAR data for 2022 was released by the Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC) and our graduates are to be congratulated.
Across the breadth of subject areas, we are celebrating the remarkable successes of our students – a reflection of their hard work and determination applied over the past two years. A considerable number of students have achieved near perfect scores (100%) in one or more of their subjects, as well as three students with an ATAR score of 99 and above. This is an incredible achievement and we hope to share more of this data at our Academic Awards of Excellence evening in early 2023. The partnership with parents, training organisations and staff also reflects our student successes and we are sincerely grateful for the collective efforts of everyone in supporting the ever-changing journey our students have endured.
One behalf of the Corinda State High School community, we congratulate each and every Year 12 student of 2022 and wish them all the very best for the years ahead for whichever pathway they choose to take.

Please note, the change to the new ATAR system has also changed the way schools access data. Schools are only able to access student ATAR data from QTAC if the student consents to this. Of the total 271 students in our year 12 cohort, a majority of the ATAR eligible students have agreed to share their data. At this point we can only report on the known data and any percentages indicated are not reflective of the actual data for the cohort, only the data available to us. We do have access to subject data and QCE data through the Queensland Curriculum Assessment Authority (QCAA), which we are examining in detail.