There are several options to make your payment to Corinda State High School.
Note: Where completed and signed documents are required for the transaction, e.g. Student Resource Scheme or Excursion Activity Consent Form, payment may not be process until the permission slip is provided. All payments for the Student Resource Scheme and Subject levies should be completed by the scheduled dates outlined in the Student Resource Scheme. The school is unable to accept payment over the phone.
Option 1
BPOINT - online or phone options
BPOINT is the preferred payment method for all student invoices at Queensland State Schools. Go to the BPOINT Online Card Payment website (
To use BPOINT you must have your CRN and Invoice No. (located on your invoice). This information will allow you to pay via BPOINT using a credit or debit card. BPOINT will provide you with a receipt for the transaction.
Please note that payments processed via BPOINT will take overnight to appear on the School's bank account.
Phone Option: Arrange payment using credit/debit card via BPOINT 1300 631 073. Please quote CRN and Invoice number from invoice provided.
Option 2
Please login to your QParent account:
- On the payments screen you can view outstanding payments as well as payment history.
- Click the checkbox on the payment screen for any invoices to make a payment. Please note you can pay multiple invoices in one transaction.
- Part payments can also be made by altering the amount.
- Select pay with card using VISA or MasterCard.
- Enter details and select pay.
To register for QParents, please email to access your unique user code and refer to the QParents Registration Quick Reference Guide.
Option 3
Direct Debit Banking
When using this payment method, please record your Student EQ ID in the reference/details section so that your payment can be recorded correctly. The EQ ID can be found on your invoice, students ID card or phone 07 3379 0222 to obtain this code if required. Please contact your bank if you need assistance with this option.
The school's Financial Institution: Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Account Name: Corinda State High School
BSB Code: 064144
Account Number: 0090 2300
Option 4
Payments Window (cashless payments preferred)
Located behind the Administration building, the Payments Window is open on Monday - Wednesday from 8:00 am - 1:30 pm. The Payments Window is closed on Thursdays and Fridays.
You can pay via EFTPOS or Credit Card. We are unable to take payment over the phone.
Option 5
Centrepay is a free and voluntary service offered to Centrelink payment recipients. Eligible parents can use Centrepay to pay bills and expenses, like education fees, as regular deductions from their Centrelink payments.
There is a $10.00 per fortnight minimum amount for each deduction. Parents may choose an end date for deductions or specify a target amount. Regular deductions will cease automatically once the end date or total target amount has been reached.
The school's CRN number for Centrepay options is 555067370H.
Please email to advise that you have completed this option.
Invoice queries
Email: Telephone: (07) 3379 0222.