The objectives of the P&C Association are to promote the interests, and facilitate the development and further improvement of the school.
The objectives of the P&C Association are to promote the interests, and facilitate the development and further improvement of the school. The Association is made up of volunteer parents and citizens of Corinda who promote active parent participation and encourage close cooperation between parents, students and staff. This in itself promotes positive community support, and is outlined in our P&C Constitution.
The functions of the P&C are to foster interest in educational matters and try to bring about closer cooperation between the parents, staff, students and other members of the community. The Association gives advice and recommendations to the Principal about issues relating to educational instruction and the general management of the school. The most important function of the P&C is to financially assist the students of the school through funding and other resources.
The P&C Association meets on the last Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm in A Block (entry via Gate 1 on Lynne Grove Avenue).
2025 Meeting Calendar
- Wednesday 26 February
- Wednesday 26 March (P&C AGM only)
- Wednesday 30 April
- Wednesday 28 May
- Wednesday 25 June
- Wednesday 30 July
- Wednesday 27 August
- Wednesday 29 October
- Wednesday 26 November
Become a member
It is great to see so many parents supporting this very important aspect of our school. If you would like to become a part of our school P&C, please complete a P&C membership form and email to or drop into the school office.
We thank the P&C Association for the generous donations to the school to support our programs and resources, which is very much appreciated by the staff and students. We acknowledge the work of our sub-committees and executive who work so hard to support our programs and give their time freely to support the school.
P&C Officers
President: Liddell McNie (pictured above, right)
Vice President: Nathan Turville
Treasurer: Katie Neuhold
Secretary: Ime Jaunay
P&C email: