
Rules and policies


​​​​​​​​​​What should I do if...

I arrive late

  • Report to Student Services to sign in (located on the ground floor of the Administration building). 
  • You will require your parent/carer to contact the school with a reason via phone or email or provide a note advising of the late start. 

I need to leave school early

  • Your parent or carer must contact the school via phone, email or provide a note requesting permission to leave school with the specific time and reason.
  • You will be required to obtain approval from a Deputy Principal and collect a Leave Request slip from upstairs Admin prior to the start of the school day. 
  • At the appropriate time, you must sign-out and collect a Leave Pass from Student Services. 

I am absent from school

Your parent/guardian needs to:

  • Contact the school by 9:00 am by using either the QParents app, or by phone to the absence line on 3379 0290 or email
  • Information required: student's name, year level, Home Group, date of absence, reason for absence, name of person advising of absence and relationship to student.

I have been absent from school and my parent/carer did not contact the school

I feel sick

  • In class, inform your teacher, who will direct you to Sick Bay located near Student Services (ground floor Administration building). 
  • On arrival at Sick Bay, you will be signed in by a staff member.
  • You will then be able to access Sick Bay for a short period of time. 
  • If you are deemed too unwell to remain at school, our Sick Bay staff will phone your parents/guardians directly to advise. 
  • Parents/guardians collecting an unwell student should report directly to the Sick Bay (downstairs, Administration Block). 

I have lost/misplaced something at school

  • Check the areas or rooms where the property was last seen. If not found, report to First Aid (ground floor of the Admin building) where lost property is stored. Please view the Lost Property policy below for more information. 
  • You can also email an enquiry about a particular item to

I need to see the Guidance Officer/School Nurse/Chaplain

  • In your own time visit the Guidance Officer/School Nurse/Chaplain so that an appointment time can be organised. 
  • A date and time will be given to you and a slip which must be shown to the teacher whose lesson you will miss.
  • Parents may make appointments by telephoning the office or emailing relevant staff directly. 

I am not in correct uniform

  • Before school, present a note from your parent/guardian to your relevant Dean of Students. 

I need to pay monies

  • All payments must be made at the Payments Office located on the ground floor of the Admin building.
  • Payment times are 7.30am–1.​30 pm. Students are not permitted to make payments in class time. 


At Corinda, we uphold numerous policies focused on the wellbeing and safety of our students, staff and our wider school community. They are listed below:

These policies are reviewed periodically and are correct at the time of publication.

Last reviewed 11 July 2024
Last updated 11 July 2024