Health and Physical Education (HPE) is an integral part of school life and instils in our students a strong appreciation for personal fitness and the benefits of teamwork.
Corinda prides itself on its commitment to quality sporting competitions and opportunities for all. This comes from a deeply held belief that physical activity is essential for the physical, social and emotional well-being of our students. As such, there are many opportunities for students to become involved in sport at Corinda.
Junior Secondary
All students participate in the Australian Curriculum: HPE at their year level from Year 7 to 9. An overview of the curriculum, including topics and suggested assessment tasks, is available in the School Wide Curriculum Plan.
Senior Secondary
There are a number of study options which exist for students focused in developing knowledge in Health and Physical Education. Students also have the opportunity to select from two elective subjects:
- Health Education Studies
- Physical Education Studies
- Football Excellence
- Tennis Excellence
In Year 11 and Year 12, students can select from a wide range of subjects including:
- Health Education
- Physical Education
- Certificate II in Health Support Services / Certificate III in Health Services Assistance
- Certificate III in Fitness
- Sport and Recreation
Additionally, students who wish to participate in sport focused programs should see our Excellence Program Handbook.pdf for further information. For more information about HPE at a senior level, please refer to the Senior Subject Selection Handbook.pdf.