English is a subject that allows students to understand and communicate with the world around them. Over the course of their study, students will develop skills in Language, Literacy and Literature, as well as an appreciation for how their voice has an impact across their communities.
Our vision is that all students conclude their English journey with us:
- with an appreciation and profound understanding of literature
- with the capability to be critical consumers of media
- knowing what it means to read and write beyond a classroom context
- having acquired the literacy skills needed to be successful in their next stage of learning.
Each year level will complete four pieces of summative assessment that develop:
- writing skills for a public audience (e.g. media presentations, literary articles, podcasts)
- persuasive techniques to position audiences (e.g. persuasive and motivational speaking, vlogs and multimodal interpretations of texts)
- imaginative writing skills that embrace creative narrative writing (e.g. short stories, poetry, screen plays)
- critical analysis of literary and media texts (e.g. analytical essay, media studies).
Years 7 - 10 All students participate in the Australian Curriculum: English at their year level from Year 7 to Year 10.
Year 7
| Year 8
| Year 9
| Year 10
Personal Stories
(Imaginative Multimodal)
| Voice in Verse (Examination)
| Persuading Australia (Persuasive Spoken)
| Hip Hop vs the Canon (Persuasive Spoken)
Film Study (Analytical Written)
| Crossing Cultures (Analytical Written)
| Creating Other Worlds (Imaginative Written)
| Narrative Intervention (Imaginative Written)
Wild Creatures; Letting Stories Loose (Imaginative Written)
| Snapshot: Networked Vignette (Persuasive Multimodal)
| Representations of Youth (Analytical Written)
| Romeo and Juliet (Analytical Written) |
Heroes and Villains (Persuasive Spoken)
| Depictions of Dystopia (Imaginative Written) | Celebrities in Social Media (Persuasive Spoken)
| Representations in Media (Analytical Multimodal)
Further information on these subjects is available in the Junior Secondary Handbook and the
Year 10 Curriculum Handbook.
Years 11 - 12
In Years 11 and 12, our students are required to select a minimum of one from four English courses: English, Literature, Essential English, and English as an Additional Language. Details of the prerequisites, topics and assessment can be found in the Senior Subject Selection Handbook.pdf.
Co-curricular English Activities
In addition to the regular coursework, all students have access to a range of opportunities to develop their passion for English outside of the classroom.
• Short Story and Poetry Workshops (with possible entry into state-wide and national competitions, as well as our yearly short story competition, sponsored generously by our P&C)
• Write a Book in a Day annual competition to raise funds for The Kids’ Cancer Project
• Journalism Circles (with opportunities to write for the school newsletter and yearbook)
• Live Shows/ Presentations (regular opportunities to engage with industry professionals, including performances with Grin and Tonic, high-profile guest authors including novelist Michael Bauer and journalist Matthew Condon, and a poet-in-residence who ‘lives’ in the school for a week.)